Tuesday 15 October 2013

Research into chosen artists

The artist I and my group chose to use within my music video is Avicii, we have chosen to use his song "wake me up". The genre that is used for this song is dance, my group and i can relate to it as this kind of music is aimed at us as a target audience as we are at the age where we are going to start going out into clubs and bars. The song produced by Avicii gives the audience a positive vibe when played within a party or club. It gets the audience buzzing and everyone has a good time because of this Genre of music and this song. The song was inspired to be used for our music video as we enjoy listening to it as a group, when watching the music video the codes and conventions that we saw also appealed to us. This was because it was about a girl who partied but she always went back to her younger sister, which relates to us as our age group go to parties but always return to our families.

Avicii's rela name is Tim Bergling he is a Swedish Dj, remixer and record producer. Avicii is a dance-genre DJ who was ranked no.6 on the top 100 DJ's list by DJ magazine in 2011 and no.3 in 2012. In 2011 his track 'sunshine' with David Guetta which was nominated for a Grammy award under the category 'best dance song'. Additionally, in 2011 he released 'levels' which reached top ten in Inida, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany and the Uk and many more. It topped the charts in Hungry, Norway and Sweden. In 2013 he made history when he was the first DJ to headline the world famous Radio city music hall in New York City. Avicii produced 'three million' to mark his 3 millionth fan on his Facebook page, he previously released 'two million' again when he reached 2 million fans on Facebook. He is singed to his own record label 'universal island'.

The first video i will be analysing will be Avicii's song called levels. This song used a long shot, this was evident when the pushing a rock up the hill. It shows that he can achieve and that if he wants to have a night out then he can do this by completing his work. This relates to the dance song as people will work all week to let their hair down and have a good time. They will do what they have to in order to have a good time at the end of a week day.A mid shot is used during the clip, this is when he is in the lift with a load of paper work, it shows that people work all through the week to try to have the time at the end of the week to have fun and take time out of reality. It relates as the dance music makes people just want to have a good time and not worry about what is happening in the real life world. A straight cut is used in the clip when the doctors touch the flower in the office mans mouth and after they touch it they have the effect he does they just want to dance and forget about their worries. This relates to the dance music as the music has the same effect on people they just want to dance and have a good time forget about what everyone else thinks. A fade is also during the music video, this can be seen when the office man jumps around the corner and starts dancing crazily. This effect has been used as it shows the normal day of an office worker and the man dancing is completely different, this how they act on a weekend and this is the concept of this music video.

Mise-en-scene has been used in the music video to show how the video relates to the genre of music. The location of the music video is a typical office building, it shows a normal working life. However, as the man in the office is dancing as if he is in a club it shows how different people can act. It relates as this is the effect of the music. Natural lighting was used within the music video, this is too make the scene seem more realistic and it makes the dancing man stand out more. This represents that the man is dancing like he would if he was in a club which is stereotypical to a dance genre music video. The costume that was used in the video was a typical work clothes-shirt and tie. This was used to make the man seem like he was working but he then started dancing which goes against what he should be doing, this relates to the dance as this goes with the CCCS's theory as dance music rebels the media image. The positioning that is used in the music video is to make the man stand out from the crowd as he is standing on a table. This relates to the dance music as people want to stand out when they are listening to this genre of music. The facial expression of the office man are used when he has a pile of paper work he looks upset. This shows that he want to be the end of week so he can party and have a good time in a club and this is why he dances.

This music video follows Paradox 1 of Dyers stars theory as it understand that a person is ordinary, which is represented in the music video as the actor is a office worker, which is like avicii as he works hard on producing his won music but then they are extraordinary as the office man dances and Avicii has his Dj talent. Goodwins theory is used in the music video as the music demonstrates genre characteristics when the man is dancing and he passes the effect of the music onto the doctors. However, there is not any part of Goodwims theory used. The style of the music video is has 10% performance, 60% narrative and 30% concept. The artist is represented in the music video when the man starts drawing Avicii's name and logo all over his office. The target audience for this music video would be 18-25 year olds as they do not care about anything except getting out of work and just having a good time. There have been close ups and mid shots used in the music video to show how the actor is reacting to the music that is being played.

The second music video i looked at was I could be the one by Avicii. A mid shot is use in the scene when the women wakes up and puts her arm where normally her alarm would be but instead there is a used condom. This shows that she has had a reckless night out and it relates to the genre of music as people just want to have a good time and they do not care about what is happening they just want to enjoy themselves. A close up shot is used in the music video to show a piece of paper which read "don't give a F***". This has been used to show that the music has that effect on people, when people are in dance environment they just want to have a good time and not care about what is happening around them. A straight cut has been used in the music video, this when she was thinking about being on a horse on the beach and then it cuts back to her in the office. It shows that people just want to have a good time rather than working, they just want to party and have a good time and this is the effect that the music as on people. Fast editing was used in the when she starts smashing up her desk after she has had enough of work. This proves that everyone just wants to have a good time and not worry about work life while they are out dancing.

Location part of mise-en-scene is used when she is in a club, this is to show that she is enjoying herself to the music that is being played. It relates as stereotypically people have a good time when dance music is being played. It relates as people normally listen to dance music in a club setting. Low key lighting is used in the music video, this shows that she is having a good time in the club. Low key lighting is normally used in a club setting which is being used to play dance style music. Iconography is used in the music video in the form of a calender when she crosses out the days, this as been used to show that people who work count down the days to when her holiday is and people do it for the weekend also. This relates as people cannot wait to get out of the work setting and just enjoy themselves when they are in a club setting listening to dance music. the positioning of the girl who is working shows that she is below her boos as the boss is standing giving her more paper work and she is sitting which shows she has to do what the boss tells her to. This relates to music videos as workers just want to finish all of their work, so they can have a good time at the weekend. The facial expressions used by the actor, when she wakes up and realises that her holiday is over and that she has to go back to work. This relates as people realise that everything goes back to normal after the night out.

This music video follows Paradox 1 of Dyers stars theory as it understand that a person is ordinary, which is shown in the music by the women being in a working environment but then is extraordinary as she goes on holiday and does not care about what happens, which is like Avicii as he works hard on his music and does not shown himself but then releases a new song with shows his extraordinary talent. Goodwins theory is related in the music video. The music video demostrates genre characteristic, this is when she is in the club environment and is having a good time during the music video. There is a relationship between the visuals and lyrics when they talk about being the one and she is smiling and enjoying herself outside of her work. There is also a frequent reference to nation of looking and particular voyeuristic between the female body. This is when the girl in the video is with the man in bed and it shows she is having a good time. The style of the music video has no performance within it , it has 70% narrative and 30% concept. The artist is not really shown within the music video as i feel they want the video to be more concept and narrative based. The target audience for this music video would be 18-30 years old's as this is the age group that still want to get out of work and just go out to a club at the weekend. The common camera shots that are used are the music video are mid-shots as they allow the audience to see the facial expressions of the actors but also the location of the music video.

This research has showed us the type of music video that our artist uses when creating his music video. He does not show in his music videos but his name and logo is used. This will aid us when creating our music video as we would still want to use his logo in our music video. Also the common use of mid shots in the music video will help to show the location, positioning and the facial expressions of the actors in the scenes. We were going to use a narrative and concept based music video and this anaysis will now back up our idea.

1 comment:

  1. Your research into your chosen music artist demonstrates a proficient understanding of the codes and conventions of a dance music video. You have analysed the two music videos well and you have considered the micro elements to some extent, as well as the hidden messages and values, that the music video applies.

    To develop this post, you need to-
    1) Include still images and videos, to support the points that you have made
    2) Include further detail, on the editing styles that are used. As a straight cut is too basic.
    3) Include further detail on the mise-en-scene and pay further attention to clothing, facial expressions, etc
    4) Expand on the points that you have included in your summary, by focusing more on the style and content of your own music video.
