Wednesday 9 October 2013

Questionnaire evalution

The purpose of a target audience is so that the producers of the music video know who the song and music video is going to be aimed at. The target audience are the people who are going to view the music video and the ones who are going to buy the song or CD. We carried out research in the form of a questionnaire and a Vox Pops videos. We used a questionnaire to gain information about what people would want to see within a music videos. It has told us what our target audience wants to see within our music and what other conventions they expect too see. It has told us whether the target audience want to see a narrative, performance or concept based music video. We used Vox Pops as we felt this would give us a deeper understand about the person as we would be interviewing them and not just giving them a questionnaire. It allowed us to get to know the person and understand what they expected to see, we also created questionnaires that were adapted for the needs of our music videos. During the questionnaire we surveyed 40 people as we wanted have a good variety to know what age and gender wanted what within their music video. We interviewed 5 people for the Vox pops and aimed to interview different genders and ages, so we could have a greater understanding.

The Vox pops were successful as they gave me and my group a greater understanding about what people wanted to see within our music video. We could understand the person more through the Vox pops as we could see them and we interviewed them rather them just giving them a questionnaire and not knowing much about them. This research will help us when planning out music video as it will confirm our music video ideas and it will help us to understand and realize what we need to add and take away from our ideas. The questionnaires were successful as we as a group could understand how the view of a mixture of people and it gave our group a variety of people to analysis. It also told us what age group expected what in a music video. It allowed us to understand what target audience we would try to have for our music video and how we can aim to please this audience.

Question number 4) was 'Have you heard if avicci?'. Out of the 40 people  30 of them said that they knew how Avicci was, this proves that he is a well known artsit and we do not need to change our choice of artist or song as many people know who he is.This allowed us to go ahead with the planning for our music video knowing that a lot of people will know the choice of song we have chosen. The second question i think is important is number 6)do you prefer to watch a music that is based around either performance narrative or concept. The results we received for this question most people said narrative and second came performance. When planning our music video we said we was going to use a narrative based dance music video as we felt it would be more meaningful and the audience would understand the song better than just a performance or concept video. However, there will be an element of concept within our music video. The last question is question  10) what editing styles do you want to see within a dance music video?. The results from this question were saying that people would want to see fast editing which we are going to include in the club setting and colour filters which we are going to use when in the club scene to make them more effect we have use a black and white contrast. We would have to reconsider using a split screen and we was going to use it to show a contrast of family life, however, i still think we will use it but many not the duration we originally planned to use it for.

The sub-culture that most suits our style of music video and the song choice is the CCCS's theory. This theory is like our music video as we are using a dance song therefore we are going against the mainstream genre of music being pop and we are rebelling as we want people to watch our dance music video. The CCCS's theory assumes that all subcultures come from one culture such as people react to the mainstream and want to go against it and be different to what everyone else wants to listen to. As the song we have chosen to use for our music video is a dance genre song, it rebels against the media as it's goes against what they think should be at the top of the charts. The audience that we are targeting in our music video will give us the idea that our song follows the CCC's theory as we understand that they will not follow what the media says as they want to be different and unique .

Although our music video follows the CCC's theory, it also follows the McCracken's theory. This is because our song is diverse as it appeals to a large targte audience. McCracken explains that the post modern world is full of diversity, dynamism and creativity. This can be broken down as music genres are diverse and therefore they appeal to a wide target audience much like our song is. The final theory is Hedbridge theory, he came to the conclusion that although some people think sub cultures only appear to be different but deep down they are the same, he says that if you look deeper, there is enough richness to warrant remaining sub cultures as little cultures. This can be broken down as all subcultures come from the mainstream and little cultures are created as a result of this mainstream.

1 comment:

  1. Your evaluation, demonstrates some understanding of why primary research is essential to carry out. You have considered the purpose of your research and the findings that you received. But now you need to consider your own music video, and how your research will assist you with planning, your style and content.

    You have also described how the CCC's theory supports your music video, but further evidence is needed, to show more understanding of the theory. This can be achieved, by relating to detailed examples from your music video style and content. Finally, aim to include points on the other two theories, to show further understanding of the theory.
