Monday 21 October 2013

lyric anaysis

The hidden meaning behind this song is that people will not know what is in the unknown and what is ahead of them but they should carry on looking as it is a part of their passion (beating heart). This song makes the audience realise that your friends or family maybe did not understand what he is doing with his ideas but people close to you are not always right and if a person strongly believes in something then they should always try to pursue their ideas and dreams no matter what anyone else says. In the song where it says "life will pass me by if i don't open up my eyes" it shows that the artist that if he does not step out of his dreams then he will never live life as he is always wants to pursue something. The hidden meaning behind this music video is that people will always want to pursue their dreams but after a while they need to realise that their dreams may not be true and worthwhile, so they need to step back into reality. This post will aid me and my group when making a music as we can now see the hidden concept behind the song and we will want to try to try this out through the music video or try to include our own hidden meaning through the scenes in the video. We can understand why the artist wrote this video and this allows us to gain a deeper understanding of why the song was produced.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in considering the hidden meanings behind your chosen song and also how you will divide the narrative locations. Now you need to focus on the micro elements and how your analysis and annotations will assist you with planning.
