Wednesday 23 October 2013

Planning editing style

Editing is important within a music video as it puts together all the different types of shots and it makes them have an effect. For example rather than just putting straights cuts in a shot, a more effective shot would be a fade. As it would give more meaning to the shot and show the emotions of the people in the music video rather than just using loads of straights cuts. Using colour filters as effects will make a shot seem more effective to an audience such as having a black and white scene for a dance seen i feel would be more effective than having a colourful scene.

The first editing style that we are going to use within our music video is going to be fast editing when we set the scene for the music video. We are going to use fast editing for the London scenery as we feel this will make the location seem more effective and the target audience will understand that London is actually a big city. This editing style is conventional to our dance genre as it will explain that the world is moving quickly when the boys are out having a good time and then when we see them on the bench at it go back to normal to show that the night is over. The target audience would be able to understand that people do not care about what is happening in the real world when they are having a good time in a bar. They will be able to relate to this as they would have experienced this when they have been out or been on holiday.

The second editing technique that we are going to use in our music video is going to be slow editing. This will occur when we want to emphasis the logo on the bottle of beer that the boys will be pouring away, after they wake up on the bench. This will be used to represent the artist within the music video. This is conventional as in music videos they artists are shown in some way, so that the audience know who the song is by. The target audience should know who's logo we are displaying on the beer can as it will be Aviici's. The audience would then be able to relate to his songs as they would have been in a club setting when listening to it, stereotypically under the influence of alcohol.

The third editing style that we will include in our music video will be a fade in and out. This will be evident when the boys get off of the bench. This has been used to show that the night is officially over and that they are moving back into the real life and working world. This is conventional as people would forget about their worries ion the real world and just want to live for the moment when they are in a club setting. They would not care about what is happening in their work or academic life they would just want to enjoy themselves. The target audience would be able to relate to this as they would have been put in a situation where they would have would have forgot about their worries that they have had and they would just want to live for that moment and that place.

The final editing technique that we are going to use in our music video will be a straight cut. This is when the shot will cut from the establishing shot of London to the foot steps of the working people which will show that it is the morning and the boys have just woke up on a park bench and they do not know where they are. This is conventional as in Dance music videos the shots change really quickly to show a new meaning or explain what is happening in the shot. This will then explain to the target audience that the boys are in London and that they are waking up in a the morning and people are going to work. This is conventional to the lyrics of the song as we understand that the boys are lost in a big city an they are trying to find their way home.

1 comment:

  1. This demonstrates proficient planning techniques. You have considered a variety of editing styles that you would like to include within your music video. You have also started to consider the purpose it will have, but further explanation is needed, of how it follows the conventions of a dance music video.

    This can be achieved, by focusing more on the genre and conventions of your music video and the relationship between the audience and your artist.

    Finally aim to include still images to support the points that you have made.
