Monday 21 October 2013

Planning setting and icongraphy

The purpose of a setting is to make the lyrics relate to them as the target audience would be able to relate to what is happening in the music video to the lyrics, which covers Goodwins theory of a relationship between the lyrics and visuals. A setting can tell the audience why it is being used and it will allow the audience to understand what type of music video it is going to be for example whether it will be a performance, narrative or concept based music video. Iconography is used within a music video to also relate to what is going on with the scene and it can used to make the audience relate to what is going on in the music video, as they may have had a past experience. Both the iconography and setting can be used to make the music video seem more realistic and believable, they will then be able to relate to what is going on within the music video.

The setting that we have chose for our music video is London, street scene and a club scene. The purpose of the London scene is to make the audience understand that the boys are lost in a big busy city and they are finding their feet and trying to find their way home. The street scene will also back up the idea that the two boys are lost and they are just trying to find their own way home, from the mess of the night before. The club scene will relate to the dance genre of the song as these types of songs have a dance and club scene within them as this would be conventional to the type of song we are using for our music video. Another setting we will use is the two different houses that the boys will enter to show the difference between the a family and non-family life. The iconography that we will be using during our music video is alcohol, we will be using this as it relates to the club scene which relates to the conventions of the music dance genre. We are going to elaborate on the phones that are used as we want the label to be shown which is a point within Goodwins theory. We are also going to be using keys within the music video, as we want to show the differences between the home life of both boys.

The London scene that we will be using in the music video is going to used as it relates to the song of being lost and it is conventional to the genre of the song we have choose as it allows the audience to understand that every story starts in a place that helps to tell the story. The setting helps to explain the lyrics also. The street scene will relate to the lyrics as the audience will understand that the boys are trying to find their way home. This relates tot he audience as they would have gone through a stage in their life where they was lost and trying to find their way home. The clubs scene relates to the dance genre as stereotypically dance music video has some element of dance or club within them, this will then relate to the audience as they would have been in a situation in which their has been dancing. The difference between the houses that will be used with the music video will back up the concept behind the music video. As we want to let people know that although everyone is equal in a club setting people are different when it comes to home life and this is one of the concepts in our music video. The keys iconography that we will be using also backs up the idea and a dance video stereotypically has a deeper concept than what people think. The alcohol that will used in the music video is stereotypical as it relates to the dance scenes, as when people want to dance they are under the influence of alcohol and this gives them a positive vibe in the club and on life.

The settings that we have used for our music video, the audience will be able to relate to as most of them would have been to London and they would understand how big it is and how easily people can get lost there. The audience would be able to build a relationship as they would understand that they are lost in a big city which they would have been through in their lifetime. The club setting is a realistic setting and the age group we have targeted would have been put in this scene. This would then flow onto the alcohol as they would understand that people would be stereotypical drink alcohol when they are put in this kind of setting. The difference between the boys home life, people would be able to understand as everyone is having a good time in the club and everyone is together, but when they realise they have to come back to realisation they know that they live a different life to what they have been living in the club and the audience will be able to relate to this.

1 comment:

  1. This demonstrates proficient planning techniques. You have considered a variety of locations and iconography items that you would like to include within your music video. You have also started to consider the purpose it will have with your audience and how it follows the codes and conventions of a dance music video.

    Now aim to include still images to support the points that you have made.
