Wednesday 12 February 2014

music video comparasion

My group and I created a successful music video as we were able to stick to conventions of our music video. We created a successful concpet which was imed to eduacted teenagers and our target audince that you can still haqve fun if you work hard, but if you do not work ahrd then you will live a life similar to Jakes. We wanted the audeince to understand that there are always consquences to their actions, whether they have familty or job to go home to, so they need to make the right decisions in life. The colour theme of our music video worked well with the ancillary products as the target audince will easily be able to identify the artist because of the colour them and logo we have chosen to use throughout the creation of our music video. The location of our music video was a success as we gained positive comments from our target audience and it allows the audience to understand that me and Jake were on a night out that went wrong and we woke up in a big city, where we did not know how to get home.

I think there are two elements within our music video which show our creativity. The first being the colour theme that my group and I kept to throughout the making of music video and ancillary text. This is because the audience can easily relate to the music video, magazine poster and digipak through the neon green and pink colours that are used throughout. I think this demonstrates that as a group we really though of an element that can easily be out on each of our work, to help to target audience recognize that the artists and the song through the colours that are used. Secondly, i think that he hidden concept behind the music video shows how we have been creative as we have not just made a music video, we have tried to educate target audience to follow their dreams and not lead a life like Jake within the music video as he has no prospects in life. I think that if the target audience understand the concept then they will be able to understand that me and Jake are telling the story of two friends who went in different direction in life, but when they are partying they are both artists. We are trying to explain that anyone can do anything if they out their time into something. The concept if followed furthered by our poster and digipak as it shows that i am wearing a suit and Jake is still in his party clothes.

Comparing my music video to Martin Garrix music video, Animals, i think that we have followed similar conventions. Both my music video and Animals having party scenes within, with dancing, alcohol and bright lights within these scenes. The music video animals is 70% narrative and 30% performance, this is where the song differs from our song as it is 70% narrative 20% performance and 10% concept. There is not a huge difference with this, it is just our concept plays a small party throughout our music video. There is a representation of the artist throughout my music video as Jake and I are within the whole music video, whereas within Animals there is only a small representation of the artist at the end of the music video, when he takes off his mask and reveals himself. The sound of my song and the song animals are not that different as there is always a drop in the beat, it occurs in my music video when the party scenes are playing and also occurs in the party scene within Animals. The editing style of Animals includes mostly straight cuts which makes the song and scenes flow together more. Within my music video there are a range of straight cuts used, however, there are also the use blurs and spiral cuts which are used when the normal scenes change to the party scenes, this in my opinion makes the music video flow better as there is a clear difference between the normal and party scenes. There is mainly low-key-lighting used in the Animals song, in my music video there is a range of natural, high and low-key-lighting. The natural light is used for the London and Home scenes for me as this makes the scenes seem more realistic. The low key lighting is used for the party scenes and Jakes home scenes as it makes him look like he lives on his own and puts across our concept. Finally, the high-key-lighting is used for some of the party scenes as there are flashes of high-key-light used throughout these scenes.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in describing how your finished product follows the conventions of a dance music video. You have also started to consider a comparison video and have focused on some conventions.

    But you have not considered the similarities between the two production in enough detail, which demonstrates a basic understanding. Therefore you need to explore your points in further detail and aim to include screen shots, within your points too.
