Wednesday 12 February 2014

audience feedback

It is important to receive feedback from a target audience because it will allow my group and me to improve on our work and try to improve it through the feedback that we receive. If the audience I aimed to target do not agree with a part of our music video or posters, as a group I would aim to change it, so they receive what they want to watch within a music video because as an artist you do not always see in the eyes audience. It allows a artist to understand more about their target audience as they are able to give feedback on a piece of work they have produced. There will be both constructive and positive feedback that i recieved for my music video, which will allow us to improve and also boast our confidence as it shows we have included elements within our music video that our target audience want to see.
My group was able to gain feedback from primary and secondary sources. We gained feed back in the way of a questionaire as we can see first hand the opinions of the target audience, aslo we can tailor the questions that we ask them in order for us to see what elements within the music video that they liked and what they thought we would need to improve on. We did a screening the production to my class as they are within the age range of our target audience, this gave us a chance to gain verbal feedback from the class, so we could see what they thought of the music video straight away. Additionally, we were able to gain feedback from YouTube from our rough cut productin, this gave people the chance like or dislike to music video and leave a comment if they wanted to.

It is benefical for my production and the industry to recieve feedback in order to make changes to their project and therefore they can improve on it. The target audience are the people who are going to buy the song, album and conert tickets therefore it is important to please them as theses are the people who are going to spend money on the artist. For the music industry it is important for the artist to please his audiecne in order for him to sell more albums, songs and concert tickets when he brings new songs. An artist has to get their audience to be interested in their work and try to keep their audience intersted by prodcing new songs and music videos, then gain feedback and improve on their work and make more money.
Three positive comments that we recieved include:
"The music video uses the same colours throughout therefore they are following conventions throughout"
"The music video has a simple but effective concept throughout, which could help educate teenagers to make something of their life"
"The location of the music video when the boys are waking up is good because it looks as if they do not know where they are, and London is a big city"

These comments that we recieved are useful for my group as it proves that we included elements within our music video that our target audience like. The first comment shows that the audeince likes the colour theme that we used throughout the music video this gives the group confidence as we have carreid on this theme throughout the posters and digipaks this will allow the audeince to relate the music video through the colour theme. It is good that the audience have understoof the conept of the music video as this can educate teenagers on how to act. The music video trys to explain how people can still have fun but their are consquences if they do not work hard to achieve. The final comment is useful as it proves that we have picked the right location to shoot our music video.

The negaitive comments we recieved include:

"The video should have a large range of camera shots"

"The video should have some dialogue between the boys when they wake up"

"The music video rough cut should make more conventions of a dance music video within it”
These comments will be taken into consideration as I think that we should add some more conventions within the music video in order to make it more conventional to dance music video. I will aim to change editing when Jake goes home to make it look more conventional to his home life, I will change the lighting at his house as it is too light. I think if I make his house darker then it will allow the audience to know that he comes from a different home life than I do. This will then further the concept of the music video and hopefully allow the audience to understand it more. For the final version of my music video I did make these changes, as I think that it will make the music video seem more realistic to the target audience.

My group and I have followed the aims and brief when creating our music video as we have included conventions within ou music video that relate to a dance genre music video. I think that the comments we have recieved are fair as there is alwasys room for improvement. I think that the colour theme throughout the music allows the audeince to relate to the digipak and poster alongside the music video, so they can easily identify that me and Jake as artists have created this music song and music video. After recieving this feedback we did change some elements of our music video in order for the music video to be lied by the target audience as tehse are the people who we aim to please and make money from. Overal we did make follow the brief and aims of our music video as we made a successful music video and ancillary product alongside it to promote it to our target audience.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of why audience feedback is essential to carry out and you have also started to consider how your feedback will assist you with making the final changes to your music video. However, these points needs to be developed in further detail.
