Wednesday 12 February 2014

group digipak

Within my group we shared the same conventions of our music video and aimed to follow the same colour theme, pictures, album note and finally the names of the extra songs on the album. This would allow us to follow the conventions of our music video and all have similar ideas on our digipaks which would therefore allow us maybe chose pieces of each others to make one digipak.

  For my digipak i liked that i followed the colour theme throughout, as there was always an element of either pink or green throughout the digipak. Also i liked how on the front cover I put a shade of pink and green over me and Jake and the colour started to get darker the further back the started to go. In addition, i used the infinity sign in the colours on the front cover so that the audience can easily recgonzise the group and they can relate it to the poster i created. The pictures that i used are conventional to our music video as they carry on the concept that we are trying to get across to our target audience, Jake looks as if he is still in the party mood, whereas i am in a suit and look serious as if i am going to work. I have used the party scene that was taken from the music video itself to make to more conventional to our music video and the dance genre. This is conventional as Jake still would fit into the party scene but i would not as I am in a suit going to work. However, i do not like the extra slide that i produced as i do not think it fits in with the rest of the digipak although it follows the same colour theme. Furthermore, i think that the CD cover is not conventional to our group music video as it does not relate to the audience, also i believe that it would be a good enough CD for our songs and album.

Jakes digipak uses lines of neon lights flashing across the background of the screeen which is good and is also convnetional to my music video as they are in the pink and green colours that are the colour theme for my music video. Also the pictures that have been used are conventional to our music video as it shows the concept of our music videeo, as Jake has edited his picture to make him have a black eye and sick stains on his top, this is to show that he has just come back from a night out. The picture he has used for me shows me in my suit and looks as if i am going to work which is helping the conept of our music video. However, the font style that he has chosen to use is not conventional to a dance genre music video as it is not bold, it is in fancy writing which is not stereotypical of a dance music video. Jake could improve his digipak by including more revelent images for the other slides of the digipak and i think that he should include our logo more to make the audience easily identity that it is our group who produced this song. Addiutonally, i think he could stick top the colour theme of the music video than he has, this will make his digipak more conventional. The parent advisory logo in the bottom is conventional to our music video as it is telling the audience that there maybe scenes that need to be looked over by adults such as the party scenes. This is conventional to our music video as there are normally always these logos before a dance music video is played on the internet or youtube. I think that Amiee could improve her digipak by putting it altogther and finishing it . Also i think that she could make the font stand out more by not putting a see through contrast on it, this would make the group name stand out and the audiecne realise who we are.

Fianlly, Amy's digipak is conventional to our music video as she has included a picture of me and Jake on the front still in our party clothes and it looks as if we are having fun in the party environment. Also the CD she has chosen is good as it relates to our song by having a flashing light going around the outside which is stereotypical. The Font is also in front of a infinity sign which is conventional to our music video, however, it is not in the colours that we wanted to use for our music video, she could improve on this. Also i think she could improve on the boldness of the font to make it stand out more. She has however, followed the theme throughout the rest of he music video on the message part etc. Additionally, her parent advisory logo in the bottom is conventional to our music video as it is telling the audience that there maybe scenes that adults need to look over before children look at it, such as the party scenes. The font that Amy used is also conventional to our music video and throughout her digipak the colour scheme is coloured throughout that I followed throughout.

For our digipak my group agreed to use parts of Amy's and mine, however, i thought that some of my slides did not relate to Amy's therefore i said to use all of Amy's digipak. Her digipak follows all the conventions of our music video, also all of her slides fit in with our music video as they all mean something in some way. She has folowed the theme of our music video by using the colours through out the digipak which is coventional and the picture she has chosen to use are all conventional to our music video. Furthmore, this extend the understand of our concept within our music video.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in evaluating the digipak designs from your group members and you have started to explain why you and your group have decided to use Amy's designs. But it is difficult to see why you have selected this design, as you have not included any designs to support the points that you have made.
