Tuesday 5 November 2013

Magazine Advert Analysis

The purpose of an magazine advert is to promote the artist to their target audience. It will make the audience want to see more of him and if the artists advert appeals to the target audience then will will want to buy more of his songs and albums. If the magazine advert appeals to the audience then they will also want to see him in his concert as they feel like may have an connection with him, as the artist stereotypically stares at the audience to make it look like they are looking at the audience.

Avicii in the picture looks like he is strong and that he is a dominant artist. His image makes the audience have his attention in order to read on, he wants them to read on and he wants the audience to attend his concert. The connotation of an advert is to get the audience attention in order to make them attend his concert. He wants to get the audiences attention and make sure that he gets people to attend his concert. The black and white contrast of the the background makes the writing stand out more as he the colours are multi-coloured and makes the audience look at them before they look at anything else. The lay out of the magazine is plain and but effective as it gets the message across to the audience and makes them understand that he wants them to go and see him when he is gigging. The image that has been used is to show Avicii is staring at the audience and that will attract his target audience, he would hope that this will get their attention and make them want to know more about him, they would research his tour dates. The typography that has been used in the poster is different. He has used his logo that he puts on all of him branding, but the tour date is put in pink and green makes it stand out to the audience. It makes the tour date stand out and makes people look at that before they look at the date before anything else. The style of the font is the same of Aviciis logo he places on everything such as an album or cover. He does this to make him look different and makes me understand that he realises there is competition in his genre and music and he needs to stand out in order for him to from his target audience.

This advert promotes the music genre as the writing looks different and as artists are looking to be different they will try to anything to attract the target audience. The artist is rebelling against the media as the media stereotypically telling people to follow the music that is in the charts and this is normally pop music. The advert promotes the artists as it makes him look powerful and makes the audience understand that he is a good artist. It makes him look like he a force and that his music can have a positive effect on someone. The advert attracts the audience as the writing stands out and makes them interested in his concert. He realises that he needs to get their attention and he does this by using a black and white contrast and making the writing stand out to the audience.

The next Magazine advert analysis i will be looking at will be Example. In this advert he is looking into the persons eyes who would be looking at this advert. He looks like he will want the person to attend his concert as he looks powerful and his face is on the cover much like Avicii. He has put a contrast of low key lightening and high key lightening on his face to make him look more effective and different to the other artists. The backgrounds are also different as the lighter side of his face has a black background and the other has a white background. I think he has used this to show that he has two different sides to him as a person and an artist.The connotation of this poster to get his target audience interested in these two different sides to him, they will want to also see where his concert will be and see if they can attend. He is looking into the audiences eyes as he wants to persuade them to go to his concert. The colours on his face make him look like he is a contrast in character, it shows he has two different sides to him and he wants the audience to be interested in this. He has gone for a black and white contrast as the background as he wants his name to stand out, also the new date he has added to his tour stands out as it is red. He wants the audience to see that he is having a tour and that the dates are visibly easy to see as they are in yellow. The design and layout of the poster is simple as he gets the message across to his target audience that he wants them to attend his concert by highlighting the dates and his name but then the black and white contrast makes the audience understand that he is a different to what people think he is.The image he uses makes him stand out and makes him look like he is not the artist that people know as he is showing that he has a dark side to him. This will make the audience know that there will be something new in this concert, that he has never done before.The typography that has been used on this poster has been to used to make sure that he stands out from the other dance style artists he makes people want to see him in concert. It is a strong and bold font that he has used for his poster which makes him stand out from the crowd and could mean that his concert is going to be bolt. The style of language that has been used in a way to demonstrate that he is bringing something new to dance, he is making a statement but telling people there is a different side to him that they have never seen before.

This advert promotes the music genre as through the font is shows that the artist is bolt and different as he has his own style, he is going against the media traditions. The contrast on the photo that has been used shows that there are different sides to the artist and the genre that he is, he is going to bring something new to dance genre songs and concerts. The artist is represented as being different and the poster shows that there are two different sides to him and maybe one that people have never seen before. The artist is represented as being different and bringing something new to the table as he is contrasted in two different lights. The advert will attract a target audience as they will want to see this different side to the artist, that they may have not seen before. The dates on the poster are highlighted in yellow which will make the audience of the poster want to read and see if he will be doing a concert near them.

This research will allow me to understand how to make a magazine advert and how to engaged the audience and make them want to see more of the artist or song. It has demonstrated to me what different techniques can be used in order to make an audience read on and see what is available to them in their area. It will aid me when making my magazine advert as i will understand how to draw the audiences attention onto the poster and want them to read on. From this analysis, i have gained ideas such as the colours that are used and the font as they this can be conventional to our genre of music video that we have chosen. This analysis has allowed me to gain a deeper understanding into what mirco-elements i can include in my poster that can still stand out to the audience and allow them to relate to the dance genre music video.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of how magazine adverts appeal to an audience. You have analysed the two adverts well and you have explored the conventions well. You have also focused on the dance conventions, but further discussion, of how the adverts appeal to an audience are needed, to demonstrate further understanding.

    WIthin your summary, you also need to focus on your ideas/inspirations that you have gained, from your research and explore, your own ideas, for your own magazine advert.
