Wednesday 20 November 2013

magazine reflection

Through my research on other magazine posters I understand that colours, lighting and the representation of the artist is needed in order for the target audience to be attracted to the song and the album. The research allowed me to understand what elements are needed in order to make a good film poster for a dance music video. My ideas and inspirations behind my poster are to focus the colours that we used during the music video, and to follow the concept of one of the boys going to a house with nothing which is placed on the left of the poster and the boy who has a job and family, on the right of the poster. This poster will help me when using photoshop as it will give a idea and the base of my poster when i start using photoshop.

Through my first paper design i have developed two designs on photoshop, one being better than the other in my opinion. I think that the two magazine adverts i have made on photoshop are conventional to the dance genre song that my group and i have chosen to use for our music video. The colours that i have used are conventional to my song and music video as these are the core colours that are used throughout our music video and i wanted to carry this on throughout our magazine advert. I think the photos i chose to use for our music video are also conventional as Jake is still in his going out clothes and i am in a suit which promotes family, so we are still following the concept of our music video being family is more important than partying. The background i have chosen to use is an actually scene from our music video which allows the audience to relate to our music through our poster, but this is evident throughout the poster, through the photos and colours. I think that the target audience would be able to build a relationship with the artists as they will understand how teenagers go out and party but they do not understand how good it is to have a family behind you, looking after you when you come in. We wanted to emphasis that some people have more than others and take this for granted, so we wanted the concept to appeal to the target audience and through the poster i think i have achieved this. Although this is our concept, i feel that the club scene allows the audience to understand that we still relate to the dance genre of our music video. Both poster i created on photoshop have the same colours, photos and background but they have been put on the poster in different ways. 
The poster on the left is better in my opinion and i will chose to put this one forward to my group as i feel it is more effective than the one on the right. I chose the font as i felt it will make it look stronger and the font is stereotypical to the dance genre song my group and i chose to use for our music video. I put the second and third pictures of us behind the main one as i felt it promotes the colours and makes the original stand out rather than just one on their own, this is conventional as i am still using the same colours that are being used in the music video. I put a glow around the font to make the date, group and production company stand out more to the background and the pictures and this would be the first thing that the audience look at, which would therefore promote the album and artist. The only thing i would change on the poster on the left would be the bottom of the picture cuts off so i would want to make to so it does not look like this, which i think would make it look more realistic. 
This draft will help me create a new one as i know which things i will be able to improve on and what thinks that i would like to take from each of the posters that i have created. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of the choices and decisions that you made to your magazine advert. You have considered your choices of images, colours, conventions and your target audience well.

    Now aim to focus on the layout that you selected and the photoshop skills that you used in more detail, to demonstrate further understanding.

    How will you share your designs with your group?
