Tuesday 10 September 2013

What is a music video

ImacHD18:Users:imac:Desktop:Picture 1.pngThe purpose of a music video is to promote a song and the artist to try to make the song popular and profitable. The style of a music video can be categorised into three different areas, which include performance, narrative and concept. In the music video beautiful, Christina Aguilera uses the three styles that can be included in a music video. She uses the performance part of the music video when she is singing and dancing on her own in the mirror, the narrative would be used when all the different types of people are used in the video to show everyone is equal and ‘beautiful’. The third style that was used was a concept, this was illustrated in the video when media is not accepting the people that are shown in the video but the video shows that they can be accepted, as they are all beautiful in their own way.  The first screen shot shows the performance, the second the narrative and the thrid the concept. A music video can be used as a market tool to as it could make the artist promote a certain brand in order to make profit. In the Justin Bieber music video beauty and a beat, this was evident when he was promoting just dance 4 as the video was starting. Also in this video you can understand and buy into the lifestyle of the artist, in the beaty and a beat video this is evident when he plays the piano. It shows he is multi talented.
ImacHD18:Users:imac:Desktop:Picture 2.png
ImacHD18:Users:imac:Desktop:Picture 3.png
The music video that I looked at was DJ fresh ft Rita Ora, hot right now. The style of the music video is dance and R‘n’B. This is evident as the character included in the video are all dancing and having a good time, it represents what dance music does to them characters. They are all showing off their best dance moves in the middle of the floor and the crowds are enjoying it. They are all getting into the music and getting a buzz from it. The song can be seen as R’n’B as the artists is joining in which the characters as this is stereotypical. Additionally, the style of clothing that is used in the music video illustrates the typical R’n’B singer and dancer.
The conventions that are used in the video are stereotypical to the genre of the video. There is a lot of dancing, singer and fun happening in the film, which is typical to a dance song as everyone should want to dance, have fun and sing along to the song when they hear it. This song would typically be played in a club to get the crowds dancing and having a good time. However, the song can be used in a different context, as it is a dance and a R’n’B song people can relate to it being played at home to make a person relax, although it has a loud bass. People could use this video to relax after a days work or it could to used to party to depending on the mood and the place.
The purpose of a target audience is that it allows the artists to try to get them engaged into what they are doing. They want the audience to be able to see what is going on within the music video and they want them to see that the music is having a positive effect on them as they are enjoying themselves to the music that is being played.  The target audience for this video would be teenagers and clubs. The song would get people dancing at clubs and teens can relate to the music video as the narrative would be similar to what they would do on a weekend when they are not at school. However the R’n’B side of the song could attractive audiences that would not maybe be attracted to this kind of song such as working people as it may wind them down after a week of work. The target audience would be able to relate to the song as in the first song, the audience would be able to understand that everyone is different but the same as we all live in one community. The second music video as people would be able to understand that people just want to have a good time where ever, they are. It relates as the conventions shown such as dancing is stereotypical as people would dance around and have a good time while listening to this type of music. 

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in explaining the purpose of a music video, by relating your points to music videos. But you need to ensure that the screenshots are visible after you publish your post. Finally, you need to consider the purpose of the audience and how they can build a relationship with the artist, through the various styles, conventions and the purpose of a music video.
