Wednesday 25 September 2013

Inital plainning ideas

My group is made up by four people, the group includes Jake Poulter, Amiee Austin, Amy Fountain and myself. Individually we all bring something to the table and all have ideas that we would use to make an effective music video. As a whole we bring creativity alongside editing and camera skills, that I hope will be effective when making a music video together. The group understand each others ideas and as a group we will build on an idea one group member has in order for everyone to want it within the music video we will be creating.

During the discussion my group and i had, we decided to use the song "wake me up" by Avicii as we feel the pace of the song varies and we can use this when filming and editing. As a group we were thinking to use songs such as "sun don't shine" by Sonnemtanz, also we were thinking of using "Londons calling" by the clash as we were going to have a London themed music video.We discussed whether we wanted to base the song on either a relationship, friendship or family, in order to make the music video realistic. As the song we chosen was based on waking up, we decided to have myself and Jake as the two actors waking up in a place in which we are lost. This would relate to the lyrics as Avicii singing about "i didn't know i was lost" and "so wake me up", the group thought we could relate this easily in the music video. We then would want to re-trace our steps in order to find out what happened at the party we had the night before. Throughout trying to remember what happened at the party we would want to try our way home to family. However, one of us in the music video would go home to their family and have everything they want, the other would go home to their flat and have nothing. It would be a contrast as they would have the same party life but different home life as one lives with their family and the other lives on his home.

The points we needed to discuss for our music video had been broken down. The first element that we needed to cover was mise-en-scene. We said that for the costume mirco-element of mise-en-scene we would use casual clothes in order to relate to the party theme and the dance theme of the music video. The group wanted the music video to stay as realistic as possible in order to make the audience believe that it was happening.We wanted to lighting to be low key in the clubs and natural light during the day to stick with the realistic approach to the music video. The iconography we will use will differ on where we are filming the video. We will however, use alcohol bottles in order to make the party and hangover scene seem more real. The locations that we use for the video will be a club, London and home scene in order to have a variety of locations throughout the music video. Jake and I will be in the centre of the shots in order for us to stand out from the other people within our music videos.  Within the Artists representation we will make the artist seem unknown throughout the video but the main actors will be wearing the artists logo. We will use characters instead of the artist appearance as we want the video to be more narrative based.

For cinematography as a group we would like to include close-ups to show emotion. We want to use establishing shots to show the genre setting and we will use mid shots to relate to the party scene. During editing i would like to use fast and slow editing. During the slow editing we would like to use fades and during the fast editing we would use straight cuts. The style of the music video will be 20% performance, 20% concept and 60% narrative as we feel we will have a mixture to relate to the song. The codes and conventions that we want to use will include strobe lighting, dancing and alcohol. However, we want to break conventions also by using a family to contrast the party lifestyle. One of the actors will go home to a family and the other will go home to nothing to contrast lifestyle. The target audience would be young adults and teenagers as we would think they would use this. The music theory that we are going to follow are Goodwins and Dyers. The genre characteristics we will use are dancing, flashing lights and a party scene. This music and visuals we will use and the lyrics and visuals will be in time with the beat. We will use the logo of Avicii during the music video. For Dyers theory we would use rebellion and be extraordinary. Research that we carried out would include analysing Aviciis and other dance songs. The 'WAke me up' music video shows the change between music, the party lifestyle and the family, with the girls as sisters. The experience we gained from being at V festival can help us relate to the video.

During the first meeting that we performed, we just all put our ideas together as a group and said what each of us wanted within our music video. We all gave an input and brain stormed our points and put them on the sheets that are evident above. We put together our ideas and started to put together a rough plan.

The second meeting we had we started to put together what we wanted to take place during each lyric and sound. We then started to put together a better rough plan and we have evidence that of what we want to happen. We started to also plan and create our story board in our second meeting.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a good understanding of why group meetings are essential to carry out and this is evident through the points that you have included above. It is also clear to see the various discussions that you and your group have carried out on the micro elements that you wish to include, as well as your style.

    Now aim to include your meeting schedule and lyric analysis
